Custom Board Tracker

{% if current_status %}
{% capture board_label %} {% assign length = board | split: '-' | first %} {{length | slice: 0}}' {{length | slice: 1,length.size}}" {% assign name = board | remove: length %} {{name | slice: 1,name.size}} {% endcapture %}

{{board_label | slice: 1,board_label.size}}

Serial # {{serial_no}}

{% for e in environments %} {% assign color = 'gray' %} {% if e.status %} {% assign color = 'blue' %} {% endif %}
{% if e.status == 'Complete' %}
{% else %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% assign color = 'gray' %} {% if current_status == 'Complete' %} {% assign color = 'blue' %} {% endif %}
{% if current_environment == 'None' %} {% if current_status == 'Complete' %}

Your board is {{current_status}}

{% else %}

Your board is Awaiting Production

{% endif %} {% else %}

Your board is currently at {{current_environment}}

{% endif %}
Track another board {% else %}
Please enter a valid Channel Islands Surfboard Serial Number into the field above to see the status of your custom surfboard.
{% endif %}